Hearing Loss
and Mental Health
Have you noticed you’re feeling more anxious or sad? Untreated hearing loss is associated with social isolation, depression, loneliness, and anxiety. In fact, anxiety and depression are 4x greater among people with hearing loss. Oftentimes, those with untreated hearing loss may pull away from friends, family, and colleagues because they cannot hear well. They may feel embarrassed of missing information or having to ask people to repeat themselves.
The use of hearing aids can stimulate the brain and help people remain engaged in activities that are mentally challenging, providing benefits for brain health. They also boost confidence as individuals who wear hearing aids on a regular basis can hear better and with more clarity.
If you have a personal history of depression or anxiety, it is that much more important that you are proactive in monitoring your hearing in order to avoid the added risk of these issues that occurs with untreated hearing loss.
Be sure to discuss your mental well-being and hearing health with not only your audiologist but also your primary care doctor and any mental health professionals as well.
What to do:
- Be proactive. You should be tested at age 55 and routinely after that. Catching hearing loss early is important to your overall cognitive and mental health.
- Take action. If your hearing test shows a loss, get help right away to avoid the complications of untreated hearing loss like increased risk of cognitive impairment, increased risk of falls, and increased risk of depression.
- Wear your device. If you were diagnosed with hearing loss, the best thing you can do is wear your devices every day. This helps support the brain, improve memory, reduce your risk of falls, and make you feel less fatigued at the end of the day.
Wearing appropriately fit hearing aids may help reduce your risk of falls, cognitive decline, and depression. Don’t let hearing loss affect your relationships or mental health. A baseline hearing test is recommended for all individuals over 55 years old. Make an appointment to have your hearing tested today