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Educational Audiology

Woman in education session about hearing loss and to manage hearing health

Educational Audiology

Hearing Evaluation Services is one of the only freestanding nonprofit audiology practices in the United States. One of our newest initiatives is the development of an Educational Audiology program that provides services to school districts and families throughout Western New York. The mission of our Educational Audiology team is to provide resources and help advocate for hearing health services in educational settings. The Educational Audiologist works with the student’s educational team to ensure the hard-of-hearing student has the opportunity to achieve their academic potential. The Educational Audiology program at HES addresses the practice areas identified within IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) for audiologists including:
We currently provide Educational Audiology at:  Alexander Central School District, Attica Central School District, Batavia City School District, Byron Bergen Central School District, Caledonia Mumford Central, Elba Central School District, Oakfield Alabama Central School District, Warsaw Central School District.

Christine E. Pleban, Au.D.

Melanie Zimmer, Au.D.

Our audiologists maintain current licensure to practice in the state of New York and hold clinical doctorates in audiology (Au.D.) from accredited universities. Our Educational Audiologists are Dr. Christine Pleban and Dr. Melanie Zimmer.

Program Features

The Educational Audiology Program at HES can offer your district:

If you are interested in learning more about our Educational Audiology Program, please call us.