Check Your Hearing Online
In today’s face-paced world, it can be easy to overlook the importance of hearing health. Many individuals may not even realize they have a hearing issue until it significantly impacts their daily lives. That is why we offer a convenient option for those who are just starting to think about their hearing health.
Early detection is key when it comes to hearing loss. With our online hearing screener, you can identify potential problems early on, allowing for quick intervention and management. By catching hearing loss early, you can be proactive and reduce the impact of untreated hearing loss on your cognitive function and mental health.
HES E-Screener
This hearing screener is not intended to replace a hearing test. If you have noticed a significant change in your hearing ability, or a loved one has strongly recommended you have your hearing checked, we encourage you to schedule a comprehensive hearing exam.
Additionally, if the results of this hearing screening indicate a hearing loss may be present, then you should contact us directly for an appointment immediately. The sooner hearing loss is diagnosed, the quicker it can be effectively managed. It’s vital to manage hearing loss at the first signs to prevent it from affecting your ability to recognize speech, retain information, and live life to the fullest.
The audiologists at Hearing Evaluation Services of Buffalo can expertly diagnose hearing loss, help you find a suitable management option, and provide educational resources so you understand your hearing health.